<![CDATA[Rick Jordahl - Blog]]>Tue, 14 May 2024 06:18:02 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[What House Sparrows Don't Want You to Know]]>Fri, 25 Jul 2014 21:54:26 GMThttp://rickjordahl.com/blog/what-house-sparrows-dont-want-you-to-knowBy Rick Jordahl

As an avid bird-watcher, (nowadays referred to as a birder) I enjoy our rich world of birds and find them fascinating and very rewarding. Except House Sparrows. Undoubtedly, you too have noticed their population explosion in neighborhoods all across the country.

At my house, this species is an unwanted pest and I put out a “Not Welcome” sign for them.

The House Sparrow was introduced into our country from England over 150 years ago. Why and by whom I do not know, but what a colossal mistake. Their population has unfortunately multiplied into one of the most abundant bird species in the United States. The success that House Sparrows have found in our country, due largely to their adaptation to living around human dwellings, has come at the cost of dozens of native bird species.

The House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus) is an aggressive species and when present in large numbers significantly interferes with our native species. House Sparrows monopolize nesting sites and compete aggressively for food sources (and usually win). Due to local domination by House Sparrows, many native bird species are typically 'driven out’, including House Finch, goldfinch, chickadee, titmouse, wren and even Eastern Bluebird.

Actually a finch, the House Sparrow is mistakenly named. To make matters worse, the House Sparrow has robbed many birder's of their attention to native sparrows. Field Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, Lincoln’s Sparrow, and about a dozen other native sparrow species are often overlooked or ignored because they also happen to be “little brown birds”. They escape the attention of many simply because they are “just sparrows”. 

The more you know about House Sparrows the less you will like them. If you are like me you will also put out the “Not Welcome” sign for House Sparrows. First, be certain that the bird in question is a House Sparrow. The male is unmistakable with a black bib and brownish nape. If you are certain it is a House Sparrow don’t hesitate to discourage them by sweeping out (or hosing out) their nest before they have their family. Also, if you feed birds, be aware that House Sparrows thrive on inexpensive seed mixes that include white or red miso or millet often available at retail stores.  Consider feeding black oil sunflower seed or safflower instead. If they cannot find their favorite food they may move elsewhere. 

In the end though, attempting to control House Sparrows would be virtually impossible. Their population is so extensive any effort at controlling this species would almost certainly be futile. I often compare this undesirable and highly intrusive bird species to locusts. (And by the way, I also include the European Starling in the same category with House Sparrows.)

Our native bird species, many of which are declining at an alarming rate, face many perils, chiefly disappearing habitat. So here is something you can do to help the native species: Let House Sparrows know that they are not welcome in your yard.